Friday, July 11, 2008

Entrpreneur or Employee?

I've just started to read Kiyosaki's Before You Quit Your Job (about three years overdue). He raises some interesting questions as to the mindset needed to strike out on your own. He also talks about his main reason for becoming an entrepreneur... wait for it... wait for it... Freedom!

Not making it up, I swear.

So, having dived off that cliff years ago, I found it kind of fun to look at the characteristics of folks like ourselves.

Ability to take calculated risks. That's a big one. None of that if you're trying to keep a job.
Willingness to make mistakes. Almost a prerequisite if we want to learn new skills.
Desire for great wealth vs. need for a steady paycheck. No brainer there.
Desire for creation, not rote fulfillment of daily tasks.
And of course, the desire for freedom, not security.

I also found a great definition of an entrepreneur- a management style that pursues an opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled.

Wow. That sums it up pretty nicely, don't you think?

Friday, July 04, 2008

Freedom. Who needs it?

Of course I had to write today. It is the entire premise of this blog and our site. Thought I'd take a moment and opine about what freedom really means.

If you have interest in this blog then I have to assume that you value freedom over security. Entrepeneurs crave freedom like they crave oxygen. The only true financial freedom, to my mind, is having income from multiple sources come in on a regular basis. Employees want the security of a paycheck, the security of a job. Which is really an oxymoron since jobs can disappear in an instant while a well established income stream (especially from investment property) will continue indefinitely.

I have a friend who made a very nice living selling software. His company was bought by another and within 3 months he was laid off. Fortunately, he had already started down the path of real estate and is looking to create enough income so he will not have to find another job. Ever.

Clearly freedom has as many meanings and nuances as there are people who cherish it. I just wanted to remind you that it is yours for the taking whenever you are ready.